Everyone is Staring

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Illustration - Coming Out by Rachel Idzerda
The illustration - actually titled Coming Out - by Rachel Idzerda is described as "One woman's story of being bullied for invisible differences.".

Notice all the people in this are dressed the same, yet they are all pointing at this one - arguably labelled - outsider? However which way you view this work of art, there is no doubt that Idzerda  is sending a message. 

This piece of work really stood out to me, as of how I have felt recently. 

Why, dear girl? 

I am praying that no one who knows me in real life - and by that, I mainly mean my parents - will ever come across this blog because, I don't wish them to know that their only daughter - something they crafted and created to be so fragile, loving and caring - is being bullied. 

"Everyone is staring" someone said. 

My appearance - undoubtedly - the issue. I stood out like a sore thumb. The classroom turning round and round - my head spinning - as I entered. Immediately labelled 'New'. Immediately judged. By those - what - superior to me?

I ran away - frightened - and found sanctuary in the girls toilets. How bloody cliché. It wasn't at all like it is in the films where one of your BFF's comes running after you and asking "Are you okay?" or reassuring you "Ignore those jerks!". Nothing.

And so, dear blog, this is where I hope that you will be able to be my new found comfort: someone to talk to - Okay so maybe not talk to, but rather, talk endlessly at - and who will let me rant and vex and pour my feelings into.

Will you let me do that?

Many thanks for reading (that is if anyone did read this).

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