Getting Lost

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Illustration - Reading by Yelena Bryksenkova
As of late, I have found comfort in literature. Now, with this being the summer holidays, I can easily lock myself away in my bedroom and indulge in the lives of others. I have - as of late - enjoyed the lengthy walk to the local library - particularly if there is the slight chance that the sun decides to show it's face, which believe me is an extremely rare opportunity.

I love it in there - admittedly, it's the smell - and it's just so peaceful!  I can wander endlessly and take out as many books as I like  - Sound familiar? Think Matilda by Roald Dahl (1998 Puffin Books). All thanks for the library, I have been able to read and re-read books and - the best bit - all for free! I realise now, that I am in fact profusely 'geeking out', but getting straight to the point - which, let's admit I have been doing this whole time in this blog post - I wanted to share with you which pieces of literature I have particularly enjoyed getting lost in.

I have always wanted to give some of the classics a go - you know the ones - starting with Austen's Pride & Prejudice and OH MY GOD, Whickham is a right shit-stirrer isn't he? Despite the Ye-olde-victorian-Dialect I could certainly see what all of the fuss was about. 

I quickly moved onto Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and much like P&P, no way on this earth did I expect to be swooning over Rochester - I mean he calls Jane a witch for gods sake - Great chat-up line Rochester - good'un. But he quickly redeemed himself (three cheers for Rochy baby!). Also, bloody hell at the ideology of Feminism running throughout - #girlpower at it's best. 

More books I have loved reading thus far have been Gone Girl  by Gillian Flynn - Let me tell you, this is no easy read - and, and, and, I only went and gave bloody Shakespeare a go didn't I? I saw The Taming of the Shrew sat lonely all on a shelf in the Library - FYI, I know how it felt. Poor bugger - and decided to pick it up. I am still yet to read it, as I am still (admitadely) in shock from Gone Girl - bloody hell Gillian - But I shall report back... soon. Cool. 

Hope you're all having a great summer. I would love to know what you have been reading. 

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