A Proper Introduction(?)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Illustration - Ann by Mathilde Aubier
I realise in my last post that I didn't quite introduce myself properly to you all - well anyone for that matter; that is if anyone has found this blog - and I shall try my very best to do so now. However, you have been warned: I am not the slightest bit interesting. For those of you who become easily bored, please note at any given opportunity you can click off from this blog. 

So, I am guessing those of you who actually want to find about - the arguably infamous (ha!) - Ophelia Everdene, then I assure you that you will be disappointed.

So, you already know my name - Ophelia - Why my mother chose this awkward-your-name-is-funny and character-created-by-the-dribble-known-as-William-Shakespeare of a name, I will never know. I guess she thought is was 'unusual' (Yeah, ma. You're not bloody kidding. Bloody Ophelia).

I actually looked up my name on Google once and I was truly - well disappointed could be one word - infatuated. Believe it or not, Shakespeare - despite being what I call a 'dribble'. Thanks English Literature - made up the name for his play Hamlet, and according to Wikipedia, Ophelia is a young noblewoman of Denmark, the daughter of Polonius, sister of Laertes, and potential wife of Prince Hamlet. She is one of only two female characters in the play. 

Now, I do like the sound of 'noblewoman' and 'potential wife'.

However, I later found that Ophelia only goes and bloody dies on the poor bugger, doesn't she?! I was distraught - despite it being fiction - I saw my life flash before my eyes. Was my own mother that stupid to name me after only one of two female characters, that ends up dead anyway?!

I am going to end up a Spinster, aren't I?... (Don't you dare answer that!)

What more anyone want's to know about me, I will never know. I am an only child, introvert and yes, I am still being bullied. I must just scream at people WEIRDO! Oh, and I feel people may want to know my age: I am that awkward age of eighteen. Oh god, yes and I am single (and oh, god am I ready to mingle!). 

I seriously hope no one got this far. However, if you did, I congratulate you. 

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